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Aerator for grain “Kozak” (grain dryer or grain fan) is an electric industrial equipment for elevators, granaries, which is designed for active ventilation of grain mass under conditions of long-term storage. The main area of application is ventilation of grain, legumes and oilseeds. In addition, aerators “Kozak” are used to control various pests and eliminate centers of spontaneous combustion. Aerators of our production will allow to keep grain in high quality for a long time without its transportation, and reduce the probability of a wide range of problems associated with this. The diameter of the pipe, which provides air supply - 140 mm is chosen specifically for effective air transfer without additional internal resistance, and the air outlet holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm provide maximum throughput and make it impossible for the grain to penetrate inside. The breadth of the product range allows you to find the right product for the right application. Our grain fans differ in length, motor power and connection type 220/380V. For more information dial our hot line number indicated in the description. Specialists of the plant will help you with the choice of equipment and provide all necessary answers.
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