Want to know more? 0800-330-235 +38(044)334-76-84 tms-ukraine@ukr.net
Want to know more? 0800-330-235 +38(044)334-76-84 tms-ukraine@ukr.net
In this group you can familiarize yourself with the range of grain conveyors. For easy movement of grain we produce two types of conveyors: flexible screw conveyors of “GSH” series and bucket elevators (elevators) of “NZ” series.
Flexible screw conveyors will be convenient for the use of raw materials in a limited space and on a complex trajectory. Their length is from 6 to 24 meters. The power of the motor will depend on the length of the transportation channel. Also, flexible augers are able to work both from the household network 220V and from the network 380V.
Bucket elevators (elevators) are high-performance equipment designed for vertical transportation of grain and other bulk materials. This device plays an important role in the agrarian sphere, providing prompt and reliable delivery of products to the height, which is especially important for elevators, granaries and processing plants. Grain discharge heights from 2.5 to 11.5 meters.
A wide range of products will allow you to choose the optimal equipment for your business. Contact us for more detailed information.
Contact us for more information